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"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Phillipians 4:7

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  • Writer's pictureOlga Rybakov

PET results

Matthew 19:26 “But Jesus looked at them and said to them, ‘With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’”

What seemed impossible back in November/December, is now more than possible with God.

My PET scan, once again came back 100% free of any tumors or lymph node changes.

My wonderful oncologist cut down my medication regimen dosage, and congratulated me. I am thankful to him and his team, who check in on me every couple of weeks, but, I know where the success comes from. God. I once again remember His words about healing me from a deadly disease. These words were spoken in 2011.

Meanwhile, here I am in 2022, with all my body parts (minus the tumor :)), my hair, and a stronger faith.

I love how God works!

Next steps:

1) Finish 5 more weeks of medication.

2) Continue plant-based eating.

3) Take my supplements like a good patient.

4) Schedule another PET in the summer.

5) Head back to the hospital in July for 10 days for my final round of immunotherapy, and celebrate :)

Thank you all for helping me through this difficult time, and for giving me an opportunity to be treated swiftly, and beautifully!!

Psalm 46:1

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

Meanwhile, my life goes on. I pour myself into war-relief efforts in Ukraine, am working on hosting 5 Ukrainian refugees for up to 1 year... I started my doctorate project implementation, and am grateful to say that I am working some.

All this keeps me occupied... because without an opportunity to chanel my energy, I would go mad worrying about my beloved Ukraine.

However, I would appreciate the prayers.

Love you all!

Друзья, простите, всё не перевожу. Элементарно нет времени. Стараюсь всё свободное время влаживать в помощь любимой Украине.

Новости о моём здоровье - хорошие. Я прошла обследование. Ни опухолей, ни распостранений рака в лимф-систему у меня нет. Бог велик! С Ним всё возможно.

Я счастлива что моё здоровье сейчас не останавливает меня от поисков финансов для восстановления Родины. Я продолжаю лечение, осталось недолго.

Держитесь мои дорогие, как тот шкаф. Вы - самый прекрасный народ но земле.

Я вас люблю,


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Carol Zaffuto
May 14, 2022

You are such an inspiration to me, and I am sure to everyone else. I so wish I was more like you. I am going to try and make it to church on Sunday to hear you sing and praise the Lord.


Tatyana Kobzar
Tatyana Kobzar
Apr 12, 2022

Аллилуйя Царю Царей! Молимся дальше.


Diana Carty
Diana Carty
Apr 12, 2022

Rejoicing with you dear Olga! God is so good. Continuing to pray for you each day and of course for your beloved Ukraine.


Apr 12, 2022

Praising God for this wonderful news! Praying for you, the situation in Ukraine- May God continue to strengthen you and heal you for His glory!❤️

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