Ok. Here we go again. Around the 1-year mark in remission from breast cancer, I truly thought I was out of the woods, but there were other plans for my life...
Cancer came back in my lymph nodes. Again...
So, the whirlwind began again - trip to Mexico for treatment, small surgery, recovery, infection, more procedures and lots of questions.
I wish I could say that I am now an expert and it was easy this time around! Nope. Not one bit. In fact, this time around, it is much harder physically, spiritually and emotionally.
Two months have now gone by. I have settled in my new reality, gave praise to Jesus for EVERYTHING, and moved on.
My husband Ivan is walking this difficult journey with me every step of the way, loving on me, being my nurse, my provider and my joy.
My boys have been stellar, and are growing stronger spiritually and emotionally. Nothing like a cancer rollercoaster to get our family loving on each other!
My parents are my angels. From food prep to laundry to my organic garden... they are my ultimate support.
My clinic, my patients and the team have been more than gracious, accommodating my needs and my ever-changing schedule.
I truly am blessed. I count each miracle, act of kindness and love I receive from those that surround me. I crave the hugs, the tears, the encouragement. I find Jesus and His heart in these blessings...
He continues to uphold me.
I thank you Jesus, for Your strong arms, for the eye in the middle of the storm. For cancer. For closeness with you. For my supporters. For Ivan. For Sam. For Daniel. For Josiah. For my mom and dad. For my aunt. For Bruce. For Noemi. For Wes and Rachel.. and so on.
To be continued...
